6WORDFONT "% $!# AMOS ART PROGRAMTEXT ----------------TEXT @By JOHN LEAVER, 99,IBSLEY GARDENS, ROEHAMPTON, LONDON, SW15 4LX.TEXT @----------------------------------------------------------------TEXT Tel: 081 785 4923 ----------------- MAIN MENU SCREENTEXT ----------------TEXT up arrow -moves menu upTEXT down arrow -moves menu downTEXT )F10 key -menu clears/shows toggle !F9 key -load IFF picture !F8 key -save IFF picture *------------------------------------------TEXT 5colours -left mouse button selects ink colour = -right mouse button selects background colour 6 but only changes when screen cleared.TEXT clr -clears screenTEXT #undo -undoes last action )rgb -changes selected colours 9 -grid,select grid size for future actions (default=1)TEXT / -left button copy selected area 7 right button restores last item copied H (note if on copy screen then press "Z" to TEXT ; reduce / enlarge copied area-press "R" to 1 restore previously copied area) @ -left button zoom selected area to selected areaTEXT < -right button stretch previously copied areaTEXT * -scroll selected area downTEXT * -scroll selected area leftTEXT + -scroll selected area right ( -scroll selected area upTEXT ' -flip area horizontally % -flip area vertically Aon/off -toggles border drawing on/off(Block/circle etc.) -freehand drawTEXT & -left button line drawTEXT @ -right button change line type(click above/belowTEXT 0 line shown in centre of screen)TEXT % -continuous line draw -rays -frameTEXT -filled frame # -left button circle % right button ellipse * -left button filled circleTEXT , right button filled ellipseTEXT !T -left button text 1 right button change text details & -magnify selected areaTEXT -fill areaTEXT & -left button spray canTEXT / right button select spray size $pattern +/- -change fill pattern TEXT /screen -select screen(lowres/hires etc) 7shift -left button select colour shift details C right button shifts colours from previous selection 8border -sets border colour to current ink colourTEXT 4 (for filled frame etc.) HEAD